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Partner support user for Reseller: simplified brand new interface

New Partner support user connection for Reseller's operators (PSU) is now out of BETA and simpler than ever!

The PSU connection lets you connect your Operator for 240 minutes in order to access all Customer's Tenants within their SAP Business One. Connection is possible for up to two users at the same time.

For the past months, we have been BETA testing the brand new PSU interface which is now available for general use to all SAP Business One Partners.

As an Operator, you can:

  • get access to all your Customer's Tenants within minutes
  • see if anyone else is already connected
  • close one of existing connections, if needed
  • leave a message for other Operators (colleagues, consultants)

If you would like to start taking advantage of this features, simply log in to your portal or contact us & start working with us!